Keypoint Newsletter- December 2022
Welcome to the Keypoint Newsletter, bringing you all the latest news & views from Keystone Symposia!
Featuring conference season highlights, spotlights on innovation and more, this annual publication showcases Keystone Symposia’s efforts-- past, present & future-- to catalyze collaborative partnerships and inspire innovation in science and medicine around the world.
Introducing Our New Chief Scientific Officer
By Debbie Johnson
I am very pleased to welcome Dr. Terry Sheppard as our new Chief Scientific Officer, who joined the Keystone Symposia team in September. Terry spent the last 18 years as founding Chief Editor of Nature Chemical Biology, where he conceived the editorial vision, guided the journal’s development, and sustained its status as the leading journal in chemical biology. Terry’s outstanding breadth of scientific knowledge and strong leadership skills will allow him to thrive in this new position and lead us to future successes.
Read Terry's message to the community HERE
Dr. Thale Jarvis will continue with the Keystone Symposia through December 2022 to support Terry’s transition. She will then embark on a much-deserved retirement in Oregon with her husband. Thale has been a tremendous asset to Keystone Symposia over the past six years, keeping us on the leading- edge of scientific research developments, and achieving substantial increases in diversity representation within our conferences and within our Scientific Advisory Board. She will be greatly missed.
Read Thale's message to the community HERE
Cheers to 50 Years & More!
By Deanna Haas
This has been a momentous year in Keystone Symposia history. It was 50 years ago that we held our first meeting, in March of 1972. Looking back on 50 years of convening world leaders in biomedical research to advance science and medicine, we celebrated Keystone Symposia’s contributions to the world and to the scientific community with an anniversary celebration at the June meeting of our Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board. Key figures from Keystone Symposia’s past shared their memories and knowledge of the inception and growth of the organization... Read More
Donate to our Fifty Forward campaign to support emerging topics, emerging minds & diversity in the life sciences:
2022 Year in Review: Return to In-Person Meetings and Launching Our New Hybrid Format
By Shannon Weiman
This year we returned to in-person meetings after a two year hiatus due to COVID-19, and launched our new hybrid format, providing Livestream and On Demand Access to those who could not attend in person. Highlights of the year include meetings in Banff, Whistler, Vancouver, Colorado, New Mexico, California, Utah, Belgium, Italy, Germany, and South Korea. Our joint meeting with the Gates Foundation Grand Challenges conference, on "COVID & Beyond: Novel Approaches to Global Infectious Disease," (Now available On Demand), convened...Read More
Reimagining Scientific Conferences Virtual Meeting Addresses Opportunities & Challenges for Virtual & Hybrid Meetings
By Shannon Weiman
In November we convened leading conference organizations, virtual platform hosts and scientists from around the world to explore best practices in virtual conferencing and hybrid events. This eSymposium on "Reimagining Scientific Conferences" was free to the community, to encourage collaborative discourse around lessons learned from the pandemic in engaging scientific communities through virtual formats. We examined benefits, challenges and potential solutions for implementing virtual and hybrid events as we move forward into a post-pandemic world. Ultimately, the goal of the event was to collectively outline new ways to engage the scientific community, democratize access to scientific content and opportunity, and promote scientific advancement in more carbon-neutral and cost-effective ways, utilizing newly available tools and technologies. The event is now available On Demand.
Find out more about the event &
Register for free On Demand Access to the meeting content HERE
Welcome to the Fellows Class of 2023!
By Heather Gerhart
Keystone Symposia is pleased to introduce the Keystone Symposia Fellows Class of 2023! This year we welcome ten early-career investigators who represent an exciting line-up of rising talent in biological and biomedical research. Find out more about our new Fellows and their research here!... Read More
View our NEW Annual Fellows Report HERE!
Open Access Climate Health ePanel Series & Master Class Explore Climate Change Impacts on Human Health Worldwide
By Shannon Weiman
As the impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly severe worldwide, Keystone Symposia and the Global Consortium for Climate Health and Education have teamed up to raise awareness for the implications to human health. In a series of open access ePanels events and Master Class SciTalks with climate medicine experts, we explore how the increasing frequency and severity of heat waves, wildfires, drought, flooding and other extreme weather events is fueling a global health crisis, particularly amongst vulnerable and under-served populations. Spanning molecular pathology to epidemiology, we examine how climate change impacts morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease, respiratory illness, viral infections and more. Most importantly, we consider interventions and prevention measures to protect human populations, from the individual patient to community level, such that clinicians, medical systems, public health departments and society as a whole can better prepare for what is yet to come.... Read More
View Open Access Climate Health ePanels On Demand:
- Climate Change and Human Health: Threats, Disparities and Necessary Actions
- Air Quality and Lung Health
- Heat, Health and Inequity
- Extreme Weather Events, Compounding Disasters and Complex Systems
- Climate Change and Infectious Disease Threats
Read More About the Open Access Climate Health ePanel Series HERE
View the Climate Health Master Class HERE

Nobel Laureate Svante Pääbo
In May 2023 we will be holding our first conference on "New Frontiers in Reconstructing Human Evolution History," featuring the newly minted 2022 Nobel Laureate Svante Pääbo as the Keynote Speaker! The field is exploding as genomic tools and computational methodology now collide, revealing how migrations, infectious diseases and other historical events shaped human evolution. The meeting will bring together researchers with expertise in computational biology, anthropology, evolutionary biology, functional genomics, and bioethics to discuss emerging research discoveries.
Register to attend in-person or view On Demand!
See All Upcoming Keystone Symposia
In-Person, Livestream & On Demand Conferences HERE!
See Past Meetings Available On Demand HERE
See Previous Keypoint Newsletters:
December 2021
September 2021

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Welcome to the Keypoint Newsletter, bringing you all the latest news & views from Keystone...