Shannon Weiman
Shannon Weiman earned her PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of California, San Diego, specializing in microbiology and immunology. Prior to joining the Keystone Symposia team, she worked as a freelance writer for leaders in academic, industry and government research, including Stanford University’s Biomedical Innovation Initiative, the University of Colorado’s Biofrontiers Program, UCSF, the FDA and the American Society for Microbiology.
Keypoint Newsletter: 2024 Season Highlights
In June we wrapped up our 2024 conference season, aligning with the academic calendar. Altogether...
Keypoint Newsletter: Health Equity Recap
By Shannon Weiman
In 2023 we launched a new initiative to add health equity programming to select...
Keypoint Newsletter: Upcoming 2-Day Emerging Topics Conferences
Last year we launched a new 2-day format for conferences on emerging topics, which were met with...
Keypoint Newsletter: Upcoming Climate & Sustainability Programming
By Shannon Weiman
As climate change increasingly impacts society and human health around the globe,...
Keypoint Newsletter: December 2023
Keypoint Newsletter: AI in Biomedicine Virtual Meeting
AI and Machine learning are transforming biomedical research at an astounding pace, enabling...
Keypoint Newsletter: Announcing Our New 2-Day Conference Format
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new 2-day conference format for conferences on emerging...
Keypoint Newsletter: Whats the Buzz?
As we wrap up our fall season, the community has taken to Twitter/X with rave reviews and...
Keypoint Newsletter: Health Equity in Vaccinology
In addition to covering emerging developments in vaccine science, design and technology, the ...