Shannon Weiman
Shannon Weiman earned her PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of California, San Diego, specializing in microbiology and immunology. Prior to joining the Keystone Symposia team, she worked as a freelance writer for leaders in academic, industry and government research, including Stanford University’s Biomedical Innovation Initiative, the University of Colorado’s Biofrontiers Program, UCSF, the FDA and the American Society for Microbiology.
Keypoint Newsletter: 2023 Season Highlights
In June we concluded our 2023 season, which ran from August 2022 to June 2023, aligning with the...
Reimagining Scientific Conferences: pandemic lessons in reducing carbon footprint, engaging new audiences & rethinking strategies for scientific exchange, now on Demand
Scientific conferences have long been the medium of scientific exchange, inspiration and...
Keypoint Newsletter- December 2022
Welcome to the Keypoint Newsletter, bringing you all the latest news & views from Keystone...
Keypoint Newsletter: 2022 Year in Review
By Shannon Weiman
2022 marked an exciting return to in-person meetings after a two year hiatus due...
Climate Change & Infectious Disease Threats ePanel ON DEMAND
As climate change alters temperatures, precipitation patterns and other habitat features around the...
Extended Q&A on Heat, Health & Inequity
On September 26th, over 90 people tuned in from around the world, from California to New Orleans,...
Climate Health, Extreme Weather Events & Compounding Disasters free ePanel- Now ON DEMAND
Climate change is increasing the severity and frequency of climate-related extreme weather events...
A Love Letter to Scientists and the Scientific Process
Why do you do science? What inspires you to go to the lab every day, working late into the night...