In addition to covering emerging developments in vaccine science, design and technology, the Vaccinology During and After COVID-19 Keystone Symposium held in Atlanta on September 17-20, 2023, highlighted many aspects of health equity surrounding development and deployment of vaccines globally. Dr. Barney Graham, of Morehouse School of Medicine, set the stage for these conversations with his Keynote Address, which covered the current state of the field, future directions, and challenges in global vaccine equity that need to be solved in the context of pandemic preparedness and response. Other health equity talks included meeting co-organizer Dr. Gangadeep Kang of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, who shared insights on strategies for enhancing vaccine equity worldwide, before and after COVID-19.
These messages are of critical importance to the global research community, and public health worldwide, so we are releasing Drs. Graham's and Kang's presentations open access to inform broader audiences about these issues and inspire them to take action. Watch the videos below, complete with live audience Q&As on how to solve these important health equity issues!
including talks by field leaders Drs. Robert Seder, Bali Pulendran, Rino Rappuoli & more!
Other meeting highlights include sessions on:
Keynote Address by Dr. Barney S. Graham- Morehouse School of Medicine
Vaccine Equity and the Future of Global Health
Dr. Gagandeep Kang- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Enhancing Vaccine Equity Before and After COVID-19
Equity in Vaccine Responses Workshop
This workshop highlights biological differences in vaccine responses across different demographics of the population that should be considered when designing vaccines and developing dosing to ensure safety and efficacy across diverse populations. Speakers represent diverse global perspectives:
See more health equity content from Keystone Symposia!
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